Mandala Memory Game Harmony of the Universe

12,96 with VAT

Mandala Memory game Harmony of the Universe.

It contains 64 cards (32 pairs) with a diameter of 75 mm.

A package leaflet with all mandalas names and instructions for the game are included.

Cards and instructions are stored in a round tin box.

30 in stock



The story of the memory game.

It took several years for me to be born. I did not appear in the artist visions while he started painting mandalas. I had to wait a while. But as the proverb says, “All things come to those who wait.”

And so, finally, the idea of my existence got into the artist´s head. Hurray!

It happened while he already had 25 mandalas painted. At that time, he was working on the creation of a Calendar. He realized that his collection of paintings contained already 33 pictures. And this is the exact number of playing cards of most memory card games. Well, and it is how I was born.

At least in the imagination. At least in someone´s head. But the artist doesn´t like only “words”, he likes to act. So he gradually started to materialize the idea.

He had a clear vision that my shape has to be round. However, he didn’t know if anyone was already involved in a similar project in the Czech Republic. He found out through Google that he would not be the first. But at the same time, he was keen to outperform the competition by focusing on high quality. He let all the mandalas be photographed and digitized.

The artist found a professional and skilled company. They advised and helped him with printing memory cards.

He also had to create a leaflet with the names of the mandalas and recommended instructions for the game. Last but not least, a sticker for the box.

Well, but in what kind of box will he put me? That was a challenge. He spent a lot of time choosing the material, the size of the boxes, its price and the right company to supply them. Choices were limitless, but in the and the round shaped box made by a small Czech company was chosen.

Once he got all the pieces from the company, including the box, he started putting me together. He started to “peel off” all the cards and sort them by their motifs. Then he needed to insert 32 pairs of identical motifs into each memory game box. So he sat down for a few days and gradually stacked us all up, then put us in the boxes, folded the leaflets and put lables on the lids. It reads “Mandala Memory Game of the Harmony of the Universe”.

I’m here now, ready for you to play. I want you to enjoy the game, practise your memory and harmonize your soul. I am a fab gift for children and adults, and I really enjoy it.


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